0203 888 0044
Unrivalled building technology.
At your fingertips.
SPS offers secure remote monitoring for a range of environments, not just your Plant Room.
As SPS’ product range has developed through working together, SPS and its clients have found an increasing number of uses for SPS smart sensors well beyond the Plant Room. This includes utilising smart monitoring provided by SPS in the fight against the new SARS-CoV-2 (Covid-19).
How Can SPS Help Fight COVID-19
SPS provides some of the most sophisticated sensors on the market which can be easily and instantly added to your existing SPS solution.
These sensors include:
PIR Monitoring
PIR monitoring is used to detect people and occupancy, allowing you to monitor for things such as:
Identifying peak time and usage of areas such as canteens and communal spaces, allowing you to separate and restrict areas if required.
Monitoring when bathrooms and toilets are used, alerting cleaning staff and allowing them to clean as and when required, which is far more effective and efficient than interval based cleaning.
Monitoring occupancy of meeting rooms and other shared spaces such as those around coffee machines, allowing you to alert cleaning staff after 10 uses, for example.
Door Open / Closed Monitoring
Similar to the above PIR sensing - door open / closed sensors can be used to detect occupancy, usage and peak times in order for you to build a picture of how your environment is being used and how best to mitigate potential areas of risk arising from
And find out what SPS can do for you today!
Temperature & Humidity
Research has now shown that a 1% decrease in humidity levels could increase number of COVID-19 cases by 6%. It is therefore vital that temperature and humidity levels are actively monitored in order to reduce the spread of COVID-19.
SPS can provide additional Temperature and Humidity sensors for your environment which are quick and easy to activate. SPS sensors are self-powered and self-sufficient and therefore do not require any power socket or ethernet / wifi / infrastructure connections.
Simply choose a location, place the sensor and you’re ready to go.
Installation takes less than 10 minutes (when connected to an existing SPS solution) and you’ll be monitoring your environment immediately.